Mean Ween

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Mean Ween (right) playing bass with Ween in 1985

Mean Ween (real name: Christopher "Cribber" Williams) is a longtime friend of Ween and the group's original bassist, though he has never been named as an official member.

In addition to bass, he has performed vocals for the band at least twice.[1][2]

His successors on bass, Dave Dreiwitz and Andrew Weiss, have often been incorrectly referred to as Mean Ween by fans,[3] but Mean Ween is confirmed to be Chris Williams.[4]

Career[edit | edit source]

Part-timing for Ween[edit | edit source]

Mean Ween first worked with the group shortly after its inception, playing at the band's debut performance alongside Karl Weimer on drums, and continued to perform with the band live and in the studio on occasion throughout the rest of their career. His last credited appearance was on The Mollusk and his most recent show with Ween was in 2000, though he performed with the one-off Dean Ween and Friends in 2014.[5]

Despite only appearing on one track[6] on the album, he is the figure on the cover of The Pod, and is mentioned in the lyrics of "Sketches of Winkle" and "Reggaejunkiejew."

Discography[edit | edit source]

Live Appearances[edit | edit source]

  • 1986 - New Hope-Solebury High School, New Hope, Pennsylvania
  • November 26th, 1994 - Cat's Cradle, Carrboro, North Carolina (Vocals on "Little Birdy")
  • July 23rd, 1996 - John and Peter's, New Hope, Pennsylvania
  • January 31st, 1998 - The Roxy, Boston, Massachusetts (Backing vocals on "Blarney Stone")
  • April 28th, 1999 - The Saint, Asbury Park, New Jersey (Vocals on "Little Birdy")
  • April 15th, 2000 - Sterling Hotel, Allentown, Pennsylvania (Backing vocals on "Blarney Stone")
  • December 31st, 2002 - John and Peter's, New Hope, Pennsylvania
  • September 25th, 2004 - John and Peter's, New Hope, Pennsylvania
  • February 21st, 2014 - John and Peter's, New Hope, Pennsylvania

References[edit | edit source]